Tag Archive: LGBT

RICHMOND, VA (WWBT) – For about three decades, Fielden’s has been a place where members of the gay community in Richmond have felt accepted. But this past Saturday, several people were kicked out for reasons they don’t understand.

“They were telling people it was straight night,” said club-goer, Josh Lewis. “I heard they were telling guys who were kissing that they could not display affection. I heard them go up to 2 guys that were dancing that they could not do that here.”

Lewis was one of the handful of people who was kicked out of Fielden’s Saturday night. The club had just reopened under new management and people had come out to celebrate. They are outraged by how they say they were treated by the club’s bouncers.

“It makes me angry and very hurt because everyone seems to work so hard to try and get along, to gain acceptance, to get past the stigmas and the stereotypes, but I feel like we just took a big step back,” said Lewis’ friend Brandy Wilson.

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President Óscar Arias

President Óscar Arias

In a statement to La Nacion President Arias says:

“Yes should have legal recognition. One does not choose sexual orientation. That gives it nature or God. One does not choose, neither men nor women. “It goes against nature to believe that anybody feels to think at age 14 if it’s heterosexual or homosexual. These are things that God sends you simply have to evolve and accept them,”

He added that “the Church (Catholic) will have to evolve” in its position on homosexuality, it has expressed strong opposition to the bill that was tabled in the Legislative Assembly for three years.

Ricky Martin

Ricky Martin

That’s right gentlemen and ladies…Ricky Martin has just come out of the closet! He has posted along and heartfelt message on his website that ends with the following statement:

I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am.

Congratulations on the bravery we all know it takes to come out of the closest!

Our families count! LGBT people are deserving and have the right to be counted and the Census WILL count same-sex marriages & partnerships. Be certain you fill out the 2010 Census form and visit Our Families Count for more information! Also, visit their Twitter or Facebook pages.